Has the Ns Railroad Gone Back to Trying Slave Trains Again


For equally long as slavery existed in Virginia, enslaved men, women, and children had sought to escape information technology by running away. In 1643, the General Assembly established stiff penalties for "divers loitering runaways," who at the time included some slaves but probably many more white and black indentured servants. Laborers continued to flee their masters, withal, and the assembly admitted in 1669 that its laws had "proved ineffectuall" at stopping them. In 1705, legislators updated and strengthened those laws, punishing enslaved African Americans much more than harshly than white servants. If caught running away, for case, white servants were protected from "immoderate correction." By dissimilarity, the constabulary declared that if black slaves were killed during their penalisation, "information technology shall not exist accounted felony"; in fact, the law would treat it "as if such incident had never happened."

With these risks in mind, enslaved African Americans connected to run abroad. Some fled abusive masters or backbreaking work, while many others left in search of family unit members from whom they had been separated. Virginia runaways in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries tended non to wander far. According to the historians Gerald Mullin and Philip J. Schwarz, most stayed within fifty miles of their homes, either considering they wanted to remain near family members or considering, with slavery still legal in northern colonies, there was nowhere else to get. A few runaways managed to find their way to towns and cities, where they passed as gratuitous.

Cotton Gin Patent

Several things happened after the American Revolution to encourage more than slaves to run and to run further. The invention of the cotton gin in the 1790s revolutionized cotton fiber production in the Deep South and created a significant new market place for enslaved labor. At the aforementioned time, the international slave merchandise diminished in the U.s. and was outlawed birthday in 1808. Taking its identify was a domestic slave trade that sent huge numbers of enslaved African Americans from Upper Southward states such as Virginia to the cotton-growing states, where a slave'south life promised to be much harsher and shorter. Many families were broken up in the process, ofttimes leaving people feeling drastic and eager to run. And because the merchandise was and then lucrative, Virginia slaveholders were less likely than ever to complimentary their slaves.

Meanwhile, escaping north was made easier by the fact that slavery had been outlawed in most northern states by 1804. During this same period, various movements began to form that chosen for either the gradual or immediate end of slavery. The Club of Friends, known as the Quakers, took a leadership role in the abolitionist movement, first outlawing the ownership of slaves amidst its members in New England, Pennsylvania, and New York in the 1770s, and so helping to found the Pennsylvania Abolition Society in 1784. Inspired past the 2nd Great Awakening, many Methodists also came to see freedom every bit a universal value, and the church banned slaveholding amongst its members in 1837.

Effects of the Fugitive-Slave-Law

In this style, the North became a more than hospitable place for delinquent slaves and a more threatening place for their owners. Northern antislavery groups published newspapers that, amidst other things, encouraged slaves to run away, and costless men and women to help them. Congress responded to slaveholder complaints by adopting the Fugitive Slave Human activity of 1793, which empowered slaveholders to seize those runaways, even in free states. The law'due south constitutionality was upheld by the U.Due south. Supreme Court in Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842), although the courtroom ruled that state officials were non required to assistance in the process of acumen fugitive slaves. Passage of the Fugitive Slave Human action of 1850 closed that loophole and made it easier than ever for slaveholders to cross state lines in pursuit of escaped slaves. It also emboldened kidnappers to grab free African Americans, claim they were fugitives, and sell them into slavery.

In response, so-called vigilance committees sprang up in cities such as Philadelphia, New York, and Boston with the goal of protecting or rescuing imperiled African Americans and, when possible, spiriting them northward to Canada. Past 1861, approximately one-third of an estimated 100,000 southern black fugitives had escaped to Canada. Eighty pct of those—mostly African Americans from Virginia, Maryland, and Kentucky—settled in present-day Ontario. The various individuals, groups, and methods that helped get them at that place eventually came to be known collectively every bit the Undercover Railroad.

Origins and Development

Fugitive Slave

The origins of the term "underground railroad" are unclear. The most pop story involves Tice Davids, an enslaved man from Kentucky who crossed the Ohio River in 1831. Co-ordinate to folklore, when Davids disappeared along the river's edge, his master alleged that the slave must accept "gone off on an underground route." By 1842, the term had appeared in the New York Spectator, whose disapproving editors reprinted an abolitionist avowal that twenty-6 slaves had all escaped "by 'the hole-and-corner railroad.'" The following yr, the Boston Emancipator and Complimentary American reported that in Chicago a fugitive slave "Fell through into the under-ground railroad, and was carried along the subterranean passage on i of the steam cars, at the rate of fifteen miles an hour." A few days afterwards, the newspaper noted that in Albany, New York, the "'underground railroad' remains undiscovered." (The New York Times commencement used the words in 1852 and 1853.)

Caution!! Colored People of Boston

The term itself suggests an organized organisation with "conductors," "passengers," "stations," and "station masters," all moving fugitive slaves along established lines. The historian Wilbur H. Siebert, who published The Hush-hush Railroad from Slavery to Freedom in 1898, fifty-fifty included detailed maps of such lines. This conception of the Hush-hush Railroad likely was an exaggeration, still, promoted past abolitionists and slaveholders alike to fuel either support or fearfulness and opposition. According to the historian Eric Foner, the Hole-and-corner Railroad is best understood not as a single entity just as "an interlocking series of local networks, each of whose fortunes rose and barbarous over time, merely which together helped a substantial number of fugitives accomplish rubber in the free states and Canada."

As such, the Underground Railroad existed long before the terms and metaphors used to draw it. As early as 1786, Philip Dalby, a shopkeeper in Alexandria, published a long letter in the Virginia Journal and Alexandria Advertiser complaining that when he took an enslaved manservant on a business organization trip to Philadelphia, the city's Quakers sued for the slave's freedom. In a letter to a friend about the matter, George Washington worried that in that location was "no avoiding the snares of individuals, or of private societies" intent on interfering with slavery. Ix years later, in amending one of its many slave laws, the General Assembly too warned of "great and alarming mischiefs" caused "past voluntary associations of individuals, who nether the cover of effecting justice towards persons unwarrantably held in slavery" had instead deprived masters of their slaves and burdened them with unfounded lawsuits.

Isaac T. Hopper

In 1801, the Philadelphia Abolition Society assigned Isaac T. Hopper, a Quaker and teacher, to investigate and pursue claims exactly like the ones Virginia's General Assembly had worried about. He created a network throughout the city and surrounding countryside of both whites and African Americans who could go along him informed and help avoiding or kidnapped African Americans when necessary. He also developed a taste for the law and how to manipulate it to win cases. His biographer and shut friend, Lydia Maria Kid, tells of how Hopper legally tricked i magistrate into granting bail to a Virginia adult female who had been arrested in 1808 later escaping to Philadelphia thirteen years earlier. With the help of Hopper'southward network, she fled during the night.

A petty bit later, Quakers in New Garden, Due north Carolina, near Greensboro, established their own system of aiding African Americans. Led past cousins Vestal and Levi Coffin, and with the help of a slave known as Hamilton's Sol, they smuggled fugitives along routes used by whites to immigrate to Ohio and Indiana. Coffin himself moved to Indiana and later to Ohio, where he continued to help African Americans. In 1813, Thomas Garrett, of Wilmington, Delaware, helped rescue one of his family's African American servants who had been kidnapped by slave traders. The Quaker went on to help thousands of fugitives over the next four decades. In 1848, Garrett was prosecuted for violating the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 and fined and then heavily that he lost all of his property.

In New York Metropolis, a free black named David Ruggles led abolitionist efforts on behalf of fugitive slaves. Secretarial assistant of the New York Committee of Vigilance, Ruggles assisted Frederick Douglass in 1838 and that same yr became embroiled in the case of another fugitive, Thomas Hughes. Hughes had been born in Virginia to a white primary and an enslaved mother and after sold to the Deep South by his half-blood brother. When his new possessor brought him to New York, Hughes absconded with several chiliad dollars. In attempting to navigate the political and upstanding difficulties involved in wanting to both help a avoiding and not condone theft, Ruggles ended upwards in jail for a brief fourth dimension.

Back in Philadelphia, meanwhile, a free black named William Nonetheless worked as a clerk for the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Guild beginning in 1847 and later for the city's Vigilance Committee. At great personal run a risk, he kept careful records of the many African Americans he and others in Philadelphia helped forth the Hole-and-corner Railroad. His records, which included the stories of many slaves fleeing from Virginia, were first published in 1872.

From Virginia to Canada

Several factors made Virginia a place where the Underground Railroad flourished. Even with the domestic slave trade forcing thousands of men, women, and children into the Deep South, it had the largest enslaved population of any country and a large gratuitous black population. Information technology likewise bordered the free states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. And from the state's northernmost point in present-mean solar day Westward Virginia, on the other side of the Ohio River from Wellsville, Ohio, it was merely ninety miles to Lake Erie, beyond which lay Canada. Fugitives in Virginia, in other words, were tantalizingly shut to liberty.

The Mayor and Police of Norfolk Searching Capt. Fountain's Schooner.

Virginia besides boasted a number of sizable port cities, which provided avenues of escape for African Americans. In cities such as Portsmouth, Norfolk, Newport News, and Hampton, many slaves worked for rent in the maritime industry and were not supervised by their actual owners. In improver, there were blackness churches and gratis black neighborhoods where escapes could be planned and fugitives hidden. Some avoiding slaves followed the James, Elizabeth, York, Susquehanna, Rappahannock, or Potomac rivers to the Chesapeake Bay, where they attempted to board minor vessels or steamships to New York or Massachusetts. Others found ships in Richmond and Alexandria. Most were able to board with aid from captains or crewmembers; in fact, certain ships' captains became known to the underground community as sympathetic to fugitives or at least amusing to transporting them for a price. William Withal identified the City of Richmond, the Jamestown, the Pennsylvania, and the Augusta steamships, and the Kesiah and the Francis French schooners as the primary vessels aiding Virginia runaways.

Fugitives who journeyed by land traveled loftier into the Appalachian Mountains and then down the Ohio River or into Pennsylvania. Those who escaped through Loudoun and Fauquier counties used routes that traversed the Catoctin and Bull Run mountains, Short Hill Mountain, and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Others traveling from Culpeper County were assisted past costless black communities that dotted that region. Culpeper's Chinquapin Neck, the isthmus that separates the Rapidan and Rappahannock rivers, was another path used past escapees.

Fleeing Enslavement Via Boat

Shipbound fugitives often disembarked in Boston or New Bedford, Massachusetts, a port near Cape Cod where merchants frequently traded in Virginia. Equally early as 1819, Quakers there were aiding fugitives. Weston Howland and John Parker, owners of the sloop Regulator, likely transported Virginia slaves, equally did Samuel Chadwick, owner of the sloop Mercury. Many of these African Americans stayed in New Bedford where, by 1850, 6.iii percent of the population was African American (compared with i.5 pct in Boston), with nearly a third of those existence born in Virginia and other parts of the South. Upon inflow, avoiding slaves were protected by local vigilance committees and given help in changing their names and finding jobs. If they wanted to continue on to Canada, they were provided tickets on the New York, Hartford, or New Haven railroads. Those who traveled by land to Philadelphia were either passed on to New York or sent northwestward to Canada.

The number of escapes prompted the editors of the Norfolk Southern Argus to complain, on April 22, 1854, that "the stock of our patience is below the quantity necessary for standing the outrageous thefts that are daily being committed upon usa, in the running off of our slaves." The newspaper causeless "that undercover agencies are at work in our midst, for the purpose of offer inducements to our slaves to make their escape to the North," and estimated that in the last year slaveholders in that location had lost $75,000 in the form of delinquent slaves. "A man may be wealthy today," the editors wrote, "but tomorrow his holding may have vanished into empty space." In 1856, the Full general Associates sought to forestall such losses past providing for the more rigorous inspection of ships.

A Group of Refugee Settlers

Enslaved Virginians fled to areas equally far away as Hamilton, Canada West (later Ontario). They tended to be young, ambitious, healthy, and male. On rare occasions whole families fled, commonly aboard ships or with the aid of collaborators. About fugitives, however, were male person and at the age—between their late teens and mid-thirties—when they were most valuable to slaveholders. According to the abolitionist Benjamin Drew, as early as 1824 Virginians were arriving in what later became Ontario, often without help. Only past the 1840s was a more than structured system in place to aid and guide fugitives. Saint Catharines, Canada Due west, became a favorite destination. Located between lakes Erie and Ontario, the site was first settled in the 1780s by Richard "Captain Dick" Pierpoint, an African-built-in slave who had won his liberty by fighting for the British during the American Revolution. Saint Catharines is where Harriet Tubman brought her family unit in the 1850s and where two Virginians—a Norfolk escapee named Richard Bohm and another former slave named William Johnson—helped to institute new arrivals.


Some fugitive slaves from Virginia became famous while others remained, equally they likely wished information technology, obscure. Among the former was George Latimer, who escaped by ship from Norfolk in 1842. He traveled first to Baltimore, then to Philadelphia, and finally to Boston, where he was soon recognized and arrested. An uproar followed, and abolitionists were able to purchase Latimer's freedom for $400. In 1849, Henry Brown, whose family had been sold south, enlisted assistance to box him up and send him from Richmond to Philadelphia. He survived, barely, and spent the rest of his life working every bit a magician, writer, and abolitionist. In 1850, a slave chosen Shadrach escaped from Norfolk and, like Latimer, was arrested in Boston. There, outraged activists forcibly freed him from custody and smuggled him all the way to Montreal, where he adopted the last name Minkins. The fate of Anthony Burns, who escaped from Richmond in 1854, was less fortunate. After traveling to Boston, he, too, was arrested. An attempt to costless him failed, even so, and he was sold south. Although somewhen manumitted, the ordeal crippled Burns. He died in Saint Catharines in 1862.

interviewed George Johnson, who arrived in Saint Catharines in 1855. Born in Harpers Ferry, Johnson claimed to have had "no difficulty" with his main "but was influenced merely by a dear of freedom." He also feared beingness sold south. Equally a result, he fled to Canada, traveling by dark. Isaac Williams did accept difficulties with his main, who sold him in Fredericksburg in the fall of 1853. Williams managed to escape the slave-pen there and elude bounty hunters, making it to Canada the morn after Christmas. Christopher Nichols attempted escape but was caught. As punishment his main "took a cobbing-board full of auger holes" and a boy's armful of cut switches and "began to whip me, and he whipped, and he whipped, and he whipped, and he whipped," until Nichols'southward shirt looked "as if it had been dipped in a barrel of blood." When he ran away a second time, Nichols left behind a wife, 3 children, and three grandchildren. "I never look to meet them again in this world," he told Drew, "never."

In Philadelphia, William Still recorded the relatively rare arrival, in 1858, of three female fugitives from Virginia. Mary Frances, about 20-three years onetime and from Norfolk, had no complaint against her widowed mistress, whom she described as kind. 20-viii-year-onetime Eliza Henderson, however, had been beaten and subsequently escaped from Richmond. Nancy Grantham was but nineteen and fled "her master'southward evil designs," which were violent and sexual. "She was brought away secreted on a boat," Still wrote, "but the record is silent equally to which i of the two or three Underground Rails Route captains (who at that fourth dimension occasionally brought passengers), helped her to escape."


James Mason

State and federal legislators tried in vain to derail the Underground Railroad. They increased rewards for slave-catchers and penalties for runaways, instituted more than thorough transport inspections, and sometimes granted the land power to seize vessels. Slaveholders, meanwhile, formed committees, like the ane established in Dec 1833 by citizens in Richmond and Henrico Canton, to observe and punish anyone who would assist and abet runaways. While these measures may have slowed the catamenia of fugitives, they did not stop them. Senator James Mason, of Virginia, who introduced the Fugitive Slave Bill on January 4, 1850, claimed that runaway slaves cost his land an boilerplate of $100,000 per year.

The Hush-hush Railroad'southward piece of work ended only with the abolition of slavery in 1865. 30 years afterwards Wilbur Siebert published its first comprehensive history. While documenting condom houses, land routes, and vessel names, and cataloguing the names of those who had aided fugitives, Siebert also seemed to exaggerate the Hugger-mugger Railroad'southward arrangement and cohesiveness. In The Liberty Line: The Legend of the Underground Railroad, published in 1961, Larry Gara argued that what was known nigh the Underground Railroad was as much fable equally fact. He further asserted that the real heroes of the drama were not white men like Levi Bury or Thomas Garrett—although their efforts were sincere and important—but the enslaved African Americans who risked their lives to run and the gratuitous blacks who risked only as much to help them. Later scholarship from the historians Fergus One thousand. Bordewich and Eric Foner has tempered some of Gara's revisionism while holding on to his larger conclusions.

Harriet Tubman

Retentiveness of the Underground Railroad has often focused on the exploits of the enslaved guide Harriet Tubman. On March 25, 2013, the National Park Service (NPS) established the Harriet Tubman Cloak-and-dagger Railroad National Monument, about Cambridge, Maryland, which operates in concert with a state park that opened in 2017. In the concurrently, the NPS has identified iv Underground Railroad–related sites in Virginia: Bruin's Slave Jail, in Alexandria; Fort Monroe, in Hampton Roads; Theodore Roosevelt Island, in Rosslyn; and the Moncure Conway House, in Falmouth, abode of the abolitionist Moncure Conway. None of them is directly related to the piece of work of the Cloak-and-dagger Railroad, nevertheless, which is not surprising. That work occurred in secret and beyond smashing distances. Its memory is less likely to be establish in a detail place than in the stories of those who risked flying and eventually institute freedom.


Source: https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/underground-railroad-in-virginia/

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